The establishment of a national database of Shelters (‘rescues’) is required to facilitate standardised data collection amongst shelter organisations in New Zealand.

Without basic information about animals entering & exiting shelters, New Zealand cannot measure the size of the animal welfare 'problem', nor understand trends in the industry.

There is desire amongst Aotearoa's 300+ shelters & rescues for national, accurate and comprehensive data. The data should also help Ministry for Primary Industries policy making.

We are currently piloting a programme that collects monthly shelter data. This data will be anonymised and then reported back to participants.

Watch the introductory webinar here to find out more about the background to the pilot programme and how it will work.

We need more shelters to take part to make the pilot programme more robust. Data can be added retrospectively so you can join any time. We encourage your shelter/ rescue to join.

If successful, we aim to add this reporting functionality to the New Zealand Companion Animal Register platform.

Other benefits

  • data collection means the ability to measure trends

  • should help direct animal future welfare policy

  • networking & support group for humans in shelters

  • potential to add educational resources for shelter staff

  • reporting of animal shelter data may motivate a human behaviour change in the public

  • helps identify the nation’s emergency management capabilities