Why do dogs dig holes in the garden?

Of the many lovable traits our canine companions have, digging big holes in the garden is not likely one of them. But why do some dogs love to dig so much? We look into the underlying reasons why this can become their favourite pastime and what you might be able to do about it. 

Let’s cut to the chase. For dogs, digging is an instinctive behaviour. You might know this already in some way – as we see many companion dogs shovelling dirt with their paws as if they were born to transform our carefully tended gardens into excavation sites. But despite looking natural – we still scratch our head thinking Why? What are they getting from this? 

An instinctive heritage 

The ancestors of our domestic dogs dug to create dens or shelters, or to bury food for later consumption, and those that dug well would have been more likely to breed and survive. These ‘hard-wired’ traits are so ingrained, despite having no obvious function in the modern living situation and many, many years of humans domesticating canines to meet our changing expectations.  

Recent genetic studies suggest that domestication of dogs might have taken place earlier than we originally thought. Early zooarchaeological research found evidence of dog domestication somewhere between 12-15,000 years ago. However, DNA analysis highlights that dogs likely split off from their wolf-ancestry around 130,000 years ago! While this doesn’t mean they were companion animals for all this time, it supports that dogs were alongside humans a lot longer than we originally thought.  

That means thousands of years of dogs digging the Earth. In other words, it is one heck of a legacy of survival strategies passed down through generations! 

However in modern times, these hard-wired traits can cause problems for us. So, what can you do? 

Addressing the root causes of digging 

When dealing with unwanted digging, it’s important to remember that whilst often considered as a nuisance for pet owners, digging is a perfectly natural behaviour for dogs – alongside barking, circling before lying down and other distinctive “doggy” behaviours.  

Consider how well adapted their strong front paws are for digging and shovelling, with some dogs (terrier breeds especially) being ‘purpose-bred’ by humans through history for use in digging foxes/rabbits from their dens/burrows. 

To understand why dogs dig holes in the garden, we need to go back to basics. For a behaviour to be maintained, there must be a rewarding consequence for the animal. It could be that a negative situation perceived by the dog is alleviated through doing the behaviour, or a positive circumstance and feeling is enhanced. It’s important to understand the motivation for the digging behaviour, so that it can be effectively and humanely addressed. 

There are a number of possible reasons or underlying motivations for why dogs start digging and why the behaviour is maintained including: 

  • Boredom or Anxiety: Dogs may dig out of boredom or to alleviate anxiety and stress. It's their way of coping with excess energy or pent-up emotions. If you prevent digging without providing an alternative outlet or activity that is effective for reducing negative emotions such as stress or anxiety, you will be making the situation worse for the animal. 

  • Comfort-Seeking: Digging can also be a way for dogs to create cool spots in hot weather or warmer places during colder periods. So, if digging is connected with temperature changes – this provides a clue to how the behaviour can be effectively addressed. 

  • Instinctive Hunting: Some dogs, driven by their prey drive, may dig to unearth little ground dwelling creatures like rodents or insects, using their keen senses of smell and hearing. If you notice that the dog tends to dig most at certain times of the year or in certain places, such as the roots of trees or fence posts – this may be due to them sensing grubs or rodents under the ground. Of course, the rewarding consequences of digging and locating a tasty food item, or the fun of the hunt – means that the digging behaviour will be maintained. 

  • Hoarding Instinct: Dogs may hide prized possessions, like bones, by burying them in holes, a behaviour rooted in their instinct to hoard food. This behaviour has stood the test of time through evolution and had important survival value. Although they don’t need to hoard food to eat when food is scarce, some domestic dogs instinctively hide precious goodies. Redirecting the ‘hiding behaviour’ through positive training to a place that is less damaging to the garden, is one way to reduce the dog’s need to dig a hole to bury special food. 

  • Attention-Seeking: If digging earns them attention from their human companions, dogs may continue the behaviour as a means of seeking interaction. There’s nothing more rewarding to a social animal like a dog as their human giving them attention, so if a dog learns this works for them – the unwanted behaviour will be reinforced. If this is the possible motivation driving the behaviour, it’s important to ensure that you don’t become the cause! 

  • Escape Behaviour:  In some cases, dogs may dig to escape from fenced areas, especially if they frustrated or stressed by being contained due to being left alone for long periods without proper mental and physical stimulation. If this is the reason for the dog to dig, then it’s important to address the behaviour as a symptom of the dog being in a negative emotional state. Training and use of enrichment to make the environment more interesting and rewarding, are two ways to provide a better life experience for the dog. 

Whilst there are many options for deterring or eliminating digging behaviour, understanding the underlying cause is key to managing it effectively and ensuring that the dog continues to enjoy a Good Life.  

Since digging is a perfectly natural behaviour and many dogs appear to love to dig – owners need to think about how they can provide their dog with a suitable alternative, and/or a managed opportunity for them to enjoy themselves.  

A small sandpit as a designated digging area for your dog, will provide him/her with an outlet for rewarding behaviours such as digging and playing in a controlled environment, whilst also sparing the lawn. Reinforcing digging ONLY in that designated area can be through burying dog treats and toys in the soil/sand and giving the dog positive attention when they are digging only in that area.   

The next time you catch your furry friend excavating your flower beds, remember, it's not just a hole in the ground - it's a glimpse into their instinctive world.